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FREE private remedial school day trial available!
The mission of our private school is to empower every student to:
Develop strong skills for academic and life success.
Develop a life-long love of learning.
Have strong self-worth, confidence.
Be at the top of their game cognitively, emotionally, socially, and physically.
Learn to be "the boss of their brain" - to make wise choices, have good self-management, and have emotional control.
Develop skills for greater thinking - to problem solve, analyze, weigh options, innovate, and achieve.
Increase inner strength
and the ability to
"Stand up and Speak up".
Contribute at home, school, and in the community.
Experience joy and gratitude and live their greatest possibilities.
Up to the Challenge
Enhancing the Five Intelligences:
Academic Intelligence - The ability to do well in school and similar situations.
Emotional Intelligence - Intelligence related to emotional regulation, perseverance, handling emotions in a positive way, resilience, inner strength, and so forth.
Social Intelligence - Possessing the knowledge and skills for positive social interactions and relationships. Research shows that social success is one of the greatest predictors of happiness and well-being. It also shows that the absence of positive social interactions is linked to negative consequences, such as withdrawal, loneliness, depression, feelings of anxiety, lowered self-esteem and difficulty at school, work and home.
"Self" Intelligence - A high level of self-awareness, self-esteem, confidence, self-management, self-motivation; and the ability to achieve his/her greatest possibilities in life.
Life Intelligence - The knowledge and skills for being successful in life - goal setting and achieving, planning ahead, common sense, "street smarts", understanding how life works, and the ability to make the most of life.
Lectures and Worksheets
Get endorphins going - and "when endorphins are flowing, learning is growing".
Enhance all areas of their brain - increasing skills in memory, sequencing, observation, problem-solving, listening, wise-decision making, empathy, resilience, emotional control, impulse control, creativity, and many other brain-related skills.
Enhance neurogenesis (growth of new brain cells) and neuroplasticity (strengthening and creating new neuropathways and circuits).
Increase the ability to be flexible and deal with different ways of doing and thinking.
Solve problems both with materials and with people.
Work as a team, cooperate with others, and increase other social skills.
Work through their feelings in creative ways.
Increase sense of competence.
Enhance life-success skills.
Help them see the importance of positive social interactions and help them develop greater empathy and consideration.
Emotional Challenges
NOTE: KoolMinds does not give medical advice. We work in conjunction with our clients’ health professionals.
Behavior Challenges
Academic Challenges
If your child is struggling in school, it can lead to a host of challenges, frustrations, and difficulty – not just for your child, but for you as well. Academic failures can affect a child’s self-esteem, emotions, and even behavior. At times, it can lead to “academic shutdown”. Homework can be a nightmare – if it gets done at all. Fortunately, KoolMinds offers the following services to help your child achieve academic success:
Academic-Challenge Assessments
There are multitude of factors that can play a part in
academic struggle or success. At KoolMinds we conduct assessments to identify
the “Whys” of your child’s academic challenges. After the assessments are
completed, we will meet with you and your child to create an Academic Success
Plan for your child.
Educational Consulting
KoolMinds can help increase your child’s academic success through:
Relationship/Social Challenges
Research shows that social and relationship success is one of the greatest predictors of happiness and well-being. It also shows that the absence of positive social interactions is linked to negative consequences, such as withdrawal, loneliness, depression, feelings of anxiety, lowered self-esteem and difficulty at school, work, and home. Social skills impact most areas of life and are crucial to positive interactions and relationships and happiness in life. Social and relationship challenges can include:
KoolMinds offers consultations and classes that provide
knowledge, skills, and tools to enable individuals to increase their social
skills and positive relationships.
Children/youth participate in activities and lessons that teach them important social skills, then are given opportunities to practice those skills during their time at KoolMinds while being guided by a mentor.