The Summer Slide
3 Keys Components to Combat the Slide

While Summer brings the opportunity to rest, re-charge and put the school year behind you, we all know that there is something new to learn every day even outside of school. As adults, we are actively learning each day. You try a new gardening method, and have to adjust the variables to make sure your plants grow. You watch a video on Tik-Tok and learn an amazing new way to paint furniture. You probably learn new things at your job all the time and if you aren't, it might be time to try something new.
The point is... learning is not limited to the classroom.
One of our seasoned tutors favorite phrase to keep in the classroom is Never Stop Learning.
Keep reading with your kids 20 minutes every day, even if you aren't getting email reminders from the school. Have them calculate fractions and measurements while you're cooking, or count out change at the concession stand. Pull out a paper map and have them navigate your next road trip. Have them write letters to their cousins in other states or find a pen pal across the world. There are hundreds of ways to keep them engaged all summer. Don't fall victim to the summer slide!
The point is... learning is not limited to the classroom.
One of our seasoned tutors favorite phrase to keep in the classroom is Never Stop Learning.
Keep reading with your kids 20 minutes every day, even if you aren't getting email reminders from the school. Have them calculate fractions and measurements while you're cooking, or count out change at the concession stand. Pull out a paper map and have them navigate your next road trip. Have them write letters to their cousins in other states or find a pen pal across the world. There are hundreds of ways to keep them engaged all summer. Don't fall victim to the summer slide!