Katie's Story
Katie Altmann
Katie saw such progress with our program, she is now an instructor with KoolMinds and helps other families
achieve the same level of success in their homes!
achieve the same level of success in their homes!
A common complaint we hear from parents is that their child is unfocused, needs constant reminders or just "forgets" to do things. These are a few common signs of ADHD and usually indicate that something should be done to discontinue the spiral so that it doesn't affect all areas of your child's life down the road.
Other warning signs include:
Other warning signs include:
One of the reasons the BrainWorks Cognitive Skills program was developed is to combat the lack of focus and concentration that ADHD brings. Stemming from research done in the late 1980's out of Washington state which was focused on students who were struggling in public school, BrainWorks was to be a tool in learning that didn't hone in on just one skill but encompassed them all. While individual therapies are very effective for say... tracking or cross patterning, they sometime lack the complete components a student needs for effective learning overall.
Because ADHD wasn't the sizable problem back then as it is today, our program has morphed and adapted over the years to account for the changing needs of our students. Today we have hundreds of students who have been through the program and are thriving in their education.
Because ADHD wasn't the sizable problem back then as it is today, our program has morphed and adapted over the years to account for the changing needs of our students. Today we have hundreds of students who have been through the program and are thriving in their education.

Time for Change
You know your child best. They could meet with a dozen professionals who specialize in their field, but no one knows your child the way that you do. You know when Makayla starts making that face she needs a snack, or when Jason gets hurt he wants to be left alone. You know all the ins and outs of who they are, their reactions, their struggles, their fears, what makes them happy and what motivates them. You also know when they're struggling and when something needs to be adjusted. Making small changes over time can have a big impact in the long term.
There is a time and a season for everything and sometimes that means it's time for change. Change means doing something different and it isn't always welcomed. You might get some pushback when you're trying to make a positive change because its uncomfortable, right? It can make us feel self conscious and weird because it's not what we're used to, but when what we're used to isn't working anymore then change is exactly what is needed.
Is it time for change in your family? Check out how we can help!
There is a time and a season for everything and sometimes that means it's time for change. Change means doing something different and it isn't always welcomed. You might get some pushback when you're trying to make a positive change because its uncomfortable, right? It can make us feel self conscious and weird because it's not what we're used to, but when what we're used to isn't working anymore then change is exactly what is needed.
Is it time for change in your family? Check out how we can help!